The Two Shot Podcast

#TSP002 - Neil Morrissey

Published: 20 July 2017 at 09:34 UTC

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Episode notes

Here we are again! It's EPISODE 2 of THE TWO SHOT PODACAST. After a triumphant opener last week with Nottingham's First Lady, Vicky McClure, this week Craig & producer Griff travel from East Midlands to the great city of Manchester to get the kettle on with the deliciously eloquent and brutally honest NEIL MORRISSEY. Depending on your age you may know Neil's work from Boon, Bob the Builder and Men Behaving Badly. More recently he has appeared in the BBC's Waterloo Road and Line of Duty, BUT this being THE TWO SHOT PODCAST we don't discuss things like that. We go back to start as Neil talks (frankly) about his start in life. From being up in court at a very young age to arriving at drama school with just a bag and a few jumpers.  The amazing thing about Neil is is positivity that has never wavered through this life. We adore this man. We adore this episode and we hope you do too. It's brilliant!

Please note: As this is a no holds bar chat, there is some fruity language from the outset. If you're listening in the car and the kids/parents/grandfather/grandmother/godson/goddaughter/sensitive-eared pet are in the car with you, you might want to lend them some earplugs. Failing that, stick your headphones into Episode 2 of THE TWO SHOT PODCAST with NEIL MORRISSEY.

We're a brand new podcast and need all the help we can get to get our episodes heard. Please tell your friends about us IRL and help spread the word on the internet, give us a rating on here if you like what you hear, and subscribe to stay update with future episodes. We've got some brilliant guests lined up.

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