
From Self-Doubt to Self-Discovery, Amanda Gore Shares Her Secret Formula to Joy and Connecting with Your Inner Child

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Episode notes

Welcome to another episode of the UnderDog Podcast! Today, I'm excited to share an insightful discussion with speaker and author Amanda Gore about her journey of personal and professional growth. Amanda has had an unconventional career path that has taken her from physiotherapy to ergonomics to public speaking, but what I find most fascinating is her journey of self-discovery. By sharing her own life experiences of overcoming fears, healing past wounds, and learning to experience more joy, Amanda provides valuable insights into how our childhood experiences shape our unconscious beliefs and behaviors as adults. In this episode, she dives deeply into topics like reprogramming the mind by connecting with your inner child, reframing negative self-talk, and gaining conscious control over thoughts and realities.

Amanda Gore, a renowned conference keynote speaker in both Australia and the USA, is celebrated as a "Hall of Fame" speaker. Her engaging style is showcased on her YouTube channel, amandagoretv, offering glimpses into her captivating presentations. Known for her personalized approach, she tailors content through detailed briefings, ensuring alignment with objectives. As CEO of The Joy Project, Amanda's impact extends beyond the stage. Inducted into the USA Speaker Hall of Fame, she collaborates with diverse organizations, fostering cultures of joy and engagement. With a firm belief in the profound influence of emotions in business, Amanda champions the importance of positive feelings in driving productivity, creativity, and overall success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognize unconscious beliefs and fears from childhood: Amanda Gore explains how our core beliefs and fears are ingrained in us from childhood experiences, shaping our behaviors and lives if left unexamined.
  • Observe patterns and feelings to identify underlying stories: She stresses the significance of noticing repeating life patterns and negative emotions, tracing them back to the underlying unconscious narratives and beliefs. 
  • Connect with your inner child and provide self-love: This emphasizes the significance of reconnecting with your inner child by offering compassion, addressing past wounds, and creating an environment of love and security to transform restrictive beliefs.
  • Reframe negative self-talk through alternative stories: She promotes recognizing fears and judgments and deliberately opting for positive narratives about self-worth, goodness, and belonging to alter mindsets.
  • Practice self-awareness and conscious control of thoughts: Stresses becoming an observer of one's thinking and shielding oneself from negative external influences in order to gain control over beliefs and realities.

In a reflective moment, Amanda urges us to recognize our worthiness of love and belonging, emphasizing that self-acceptance is key to finding joy—an episode not to miss, with the potential to reshape your outlook and ignite your own Underdog narrative.

Listen to this exciting episode. Join us for the conversation! Listen to the full episode here:

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The Underdog Podcast host is none other than Pamela Bardhi. She's rocking the Real Estate Realm and has dedicated her life as a Life Coach. She is also in the Forbes Real Estate Council. To know more about Pam, check out the following: