
From Corporate Job to 150+ Rental Units, The Incredible Rise of Investor Andrew Freed in Real Estate

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Episode notes

Andrew Freed shares his story of how he transformed his life from being employed in a corporate job to becoming a thriving multifamily real estate investor, which is truly inspiring. Andrew always had a desire to achieve financial independence and not depend on anyone else. However, he realized that the conventional post-school path was not fulfilling for him.

Andrew Freed is a successful real estate investor from Massachusetts. He left his corporate job after reading "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and has since acquired over 150 rental units using various strategies like house hacking and partnerships. Andrew aims to syndicate thousands of units and help others achieve financial independence through real estate.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mindset shift: shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance and believing in the power of manifestation. Manifest your goals and dreams, setting ambitious targets for the future.
  • Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC): taking this significant risk to kickstart his real estate investment journey,  to invest in multifamily properties.
  • Partnerships and joint ventures: utilizing other people's money to scale his investments and finding a partner who complements your strengths and weaknesses. Delegate tasks that drain energy and focus on tasks that energize you. Going to as many real estate meetups as possible and gaining connections because that's where you can meet a lot of the best partners, best lenders, and best contractors.
  • Stop the know-it-all domain: Be a lifelong learner, be coachable, and when you do something wrong, openly admit it to the world and embrace failure as part of the journey.

Andrew's journey shows us that with the right mindset, strategic moves, and a little bit of courage, anything is possible. Listen now and let Andrew's journey motivate you to your own path to prosperity and financial freedom.

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The Underdog Podcast host is none other than Pamela Bardhi. She's rocking the Real Estate Realm and has dedicated her life as a Life Coach. She is also in the Forbes Real Estate Council. To know more about Pam, check out the following: