The Working Actor's Journey

Ep #27: Marcelo Tubert on Trusting Instincts, Living Simply, and Remaining Grateful

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Episode notes

Marcelo was born in Argentina, moved to LA at a young age, felt very lost with his career, almost quit after his first TV role, and eventually booked a job that changed his life. Plus, we get a quick look at Marcelo’s process with a voiceover audition for a video game, and you’ll hear what he sent in! It was fascinating to hear about the many ups and downs, and all the relationships, mentors, and teachers who helped him along the way. We covered a LOT of ground, so get ready for a very full ride. A lot of laughs too.


Click here for full show notes and links.

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The WAJ podcast is designed to show you HOW the work is done, WHAT the realities of the working actor life are like, and to share all the different ways actors have come to this career. There is no one path and no single answer. We want to learn from all of those further down the road, to shorten the learning curve and to discover what helps and what doesn’t when it comes to having a lifelong career as an actor.