Where Did It All Go Right?

S6E3 - Bill Laurance - Composer & Snarky Puppy Pianist

S6E3 - Bill Laurance - Composer & Snarky Puppy Pianist

Where Did It All Go Right?

Published: 23 February 2023 at 09:22 UTC

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Episode notes

Ali Jones is talking to our best-loved creatives about how they caught their breaks. This week Ali chats to composer, collaborator and Grammy award-winning pianist Bill Laurance. 

Bill is a classically-trained multi-instrumental (whoa) musician, a member of the renowned jazz fusion and funk band Snarky Puppy, and CEO of London-based record label Flint Music.

Bill tells Ali why his mates got banned from his first ever gig in an Italian, how much he loves reggae, and why no one took his photo at the Grammy's.