Where Did It All Go Right?

S5E2 -Dina Litovsky - Photographer

S5E2 -Dina Litovsky - Photographer

Where Did It All Go Right?

Published: 8 June 2022 at 09:55 UTC

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Episode notes

Ali Jones is talking to our best-loved creatives about how they caught their breaks. This week Ali chats to documentary photographer Dina Litovsky. Born in Ukraine, Dina is based in the States and describes her photography as visual sociology. Her work has been featured in the likes of the New York Times, National Geographic, Time Magazine and The Atlantic.

Dina explains how she can be cool as a cucumber photographing Jake Gyllenhaal, why she religiously listens to two hours of music a day and how she confronts her own prejudices through photography.

This WDIAGR episode is sponsored by YunoJuno Freelance Marketplace.