Where Did It All Go Right?

S5E3 - Kit de Waal - Novelist

S5E3 - Kit de Waal - Novelist

Where Did It All Go Right?

Published: 15 June 2022 at 07:15 UTC

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Episode notes

Ali Jones is talking to our best-loved creatives about how they caught their breaks. This week Ali chats to writer Kit de Waal, whose bestselling novel My Name Is Leon is behind the recent BBC feature film of the same name. 

Kit tells Ali how she always hated reading as a kid, never entertained being a writer until she was in her mid-forties (after a career as a magistrate), and why she thinks it's important for everyone to find that thing that makes us feel alive - whether it's singing or flower arranging.

This WDIAGR episode is sponsored by YunoJuno Freelance Marketplace.