082 The Full Freezer

Where Ideas Launch - The Podcast for the Sustainable Innovator

Published: 29 September 2022 at 08:35 UTC

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Kate Hall is the Founder of The Full Freezer™ and author of the e-book ‘The Full Freezer (Save Food, Save Time, Save Money)’. Kate helps households to reduce their food waste and cook from scratch more easily by using their home freezers more effectively. Unlike batch cooking, The Full Freezer Method is completely flexible and allows families to easily enjoy a wide variety of meals without any waste. Kate has been featured by BBC Food, Steph's Packed Lunch, Prima Magazine, and The Telegraph and has collaborated with more than 50 creators within health & well-being, parenting, and sustainability. With over 40,000 followers across Instagram and Facebook, The Full Freezer™ is transforming attitudes towards food waste and empowering parents to cut down on convenience foods and embrace home cooking. Kate lives in Greater London with her husband and two young children.