Woman In Progress

Struggling Strong with Jamie Snow

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Episode notes

Today's special guest is the epitome of strength (inside and out) and one of the most beautiful movement practitioners I've ever seen. I met Jamie a number of years ago and was so inspired by her quiet courage, love of all things strength and fabulous hair.

Ever a student of life, Jamie has a thirst for learning and self-development that has seen her through the darkest, most challenging parts of her life. Her willingness to be vulnerable and lean into struggle is one of the reasons I've been so drawn to her and why I was so excited to have her on the podcast. I can't wait for you to meet and be inspired by her!

Tune in to this week's episode to learn:

  • what it means to Jamie to "struggle strong" and the impetus for the movement she started
  • how Jamie uses writing as both a creative and healing outlet
  • her view on life as one long ongoing learning opportunity
  • how looks can be deceiving and why it's important to her to share difficult and often hidden topics publicly

About Jamie Snow:

Jamie is a Personal Trainer by trade but likes to refer to herself as a Movement and Wellbeing Coach.

She believes that through intentional movement, breathing and self discovery work people can improve their overall quality of life. She came into her specific brand of practice from years of managing her own mental health journey as it coincided with the trial and error process that is being human, both inside and outside of the gym.

She is passionate about helping people help themselves through a lens of physical health and the never ending work that is personal development.

Jamie is a proud dog mom, a lover of wine and a (sunscreen wearing) sun worshipper.

Find Jamie on Social Media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamiesnow/
Connect with me:

Let’s chat! If you’re curious about what it looks like to coach with me, book a 1:1 consult -https://calendly.com/s-ushedo/consult

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