Men Talking Mindfulness

How to Overcome Negative and Distorted Body Image

Published: 14 November 2022 at 10:18 UTC

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Episode notes

Today, we are going to be talking about body image and how the way we view ourselves is often distorted and how that distorted view of ourselves can lead to pain, depression, and anxiety and hold us back from doing so much!  Please note:  This topic may be very sensitive to many.  We are doing this episode to expand awareness of these challenges and the subsequent problems they may make even worse.  Please be aware this episode COULD potentially trigger some very raw emotions and reactions.  We address body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and suicidal thoughts and actions.  If any of this is sensitive, again, please be aware these are addressed.  Additionally, if any of this is a challenge you're having trouble overcoming, please seek help.  Will and Jon are NOT professional clinicians and nothing stated during this episode should be taken or perceived as medical advice. Though we will talk broadly about body image, we will also get into speaking specifically about MEN and body image as this is typically seen as something that affects females more than males… and this may even be true - BUT it IS still a problem for boys and men and we want to make sure it IS known amongst that population and addressed! Announcements Follow us on YouTube… and subscribe make sure to hit the little bell to get notified of new content… the new link is simply SAVE the DATE!!! Our Next in-person Mindfulness Adventure Retreat will take place May 18-21, 2023 here on the East Coast in Upstate NY. We are in the process of finalizing all the details as we speak. I went to visit this location last weekend and man it’s the perfect place to let go of all your responsibilities, detach from all the stress inducing technology and immerse yourself in peace and serenity as we all practice together. So save the date once again, that's May 18-21st. Space will be limited!! And Will is offering a Wednesday Weekly Breath & Meditation class FREE on InsightTimer. He is calling it Midweek Refresh Sesh at 6:30pm - just 30 minutes each wednesday, No Experience required just show up.  Here's the link: Some sites referenced in our show:  Confident Body, Confident Child: National Eating Disorder Association: Newport Institute Article on Men and Body Image: Time Stamps 00:00 Body Image 04:00 Save the date - our next Retreat is May 18-21, 2023! 06:00 Will leads Opening Grounding Practice (~2 min) 08:00 Defining “Body Image” 12:00 Will’s personal experience with Body Image 23:00 Jon’s personal experience 35:00 What’s setting up these expectations? 51:00 Why do men not talk about or seek help with body image issues? 54:00 Associated issues 01:05:00 How does this prevent us from living our best life? 01:07:00 Possible ways to prevent negative body image 01:19:00 Potential treatments 01:29:30 Jon leads Closing Practice (~5 min) --- Support this podcast: