Communication Strategy That Works podcast
By Emma Drake
Welcome to the Communication Strategy That Works podcast. I'm Emma, your host, and I am making it my mission to help you get the 'comms stuff' right, spend your money more wisely, and have much more impact.
I'm an in-house expert turned external advisor, and I help you if you're a 'comms' and PR leader or manager understand how to find essential customers, engage them in products and services, stand out from the competition, and protect your brand reputation. I cover a wide range of topics through solo shows and 'deep dive' guest episodes.
I share three episodes a month with you that include insights from 20 years of experience working with, and in, fast-paced, growing, and established B2B businesses and initiatives.
I've been there and got the badge, so I am distilling this knowledge into easy peasy pointers to help you grow your business and brand profile with the right communication strategy 'That Works'.
I bust the myths (and I've pretty much heard all of them) break through the jargon, and give you practical, essential and useful advice and tips that you can use. I will save you time, money and energy whether you are listening regularly when at work or on the move, or bingeing at the weekend Netflix box-set style.
I'm an in-house expert turned external advisor, and I help you if you're a 'comms' and PR leader or manager understand how to find essential customers, engage them in products and services, stand out from the competition, and protect your brand reputation. I cover a wide range of topics through solo shows and 'deep dive' guest episodes.
I share three episodes a month with you that include insights from 20 years of experience working with, and in, fast-paced, growing, and established B2B businesses and initiatives.
I've been there and got the badge, so I am distilling this knowledge into easy peasy pointers to help you grow your business and brand profile with the right communication strategy 'That Works'.
I bust the myths (and I've pretty much heard all of them) break through the jargon, and give you practical, essential and useful advice and tips that you can use. I will save you time, money and energy whether you are listening regularly when at work or on the move, or bingeing at the weekend Netflix box-set style.
Latest episode
Ep 166. Launch Your Voice in 2025: Why I Created the "Start and Launch Your Audio Podcast Coached Programme"
As a new year approaches, there’s no better time to start something fresh and exciting. 2025 is the year to take that idea you’ve been mulling over and turn it into something meaningful — something that connects, inspires, and resonates.... -
Ep 165. Placemaking Communications: Turning Developments into Thriving Communities
If there’s one thing I’m truly passionate about, it’s the built environment. I believe that developments aren’t just about bricks and mortar—they’re about creating spaces where people feel at home, where communities grow, and where... -
Ep 164. Unlocking the Power of Word-of-Mouth: Lessons from Jonah Berger’s 'Contagious'
Why Reading Business Books Matters: Kicking Off a Monthly Book Review episode In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel like there’s never enough time to step back and invest in learning. But here’s the thing: staying sharp and innovative... -
Ep 163. Capturing Community: How Film is Transforming Storytelling in New Housing Developments
Recently I gave a talk at a communications conference with a colleague, a filmmaker, on how film can change the narrative for a topic or issue and highlight your brand in a new and unusual way- in this case, the housing agenda in the UK. As some... -
Ep 162. Building Buzz on a Budget: How Startups Can Harness PR for Growth
I’ve worked with a number of startups both inside and out of the built environment sector. One thing they have in common is an infatuation with media coverage. Don’t get me wrong this is essential for a startup, but it’s not the only... -
Ep 161. The Importance of Mental Well-Being in PR: Navigating the Challenges of Difficult Situations
I wanted to conclude September’s focus on Crisis Comms by focusing on In the world of Public Relations and Comms, and how overwhelming the fast-paced, high-pressure environment can often feel. From managing client expectations and navigating media... -
Ep 160. The Importance of Issues Management: A Reflection on My Conversation with Amanda
I wanted to unpack in more detail a topic that I am also very passionate about in my everyday work—issues management. Having worked extensively in communications, I’ve seen firsthand how vital it is to identify and manage potential problems before... -
Ep 159. Deep Dive with Amanda Coleman: The Calm Before the Storm: Preparing for Communications Crises
Welcome to today's episode, where we're diving into the world of crisis communication with an expert who's been on the front lines. Amanda Coleman shares her incredible journey, starting as a journalist and transitioning into key roles in the public.… -
EP 158. Transforming Internal Chaos to Calm: reflections from a guest podcast with Jenni Field
As someone who started life in Corporate Communications for a famous American credit card brand, I lived through the pain of Internal Communications as posters and internal launches through to a strategic function. Comms under Corporate Comms, but go… -
Ep 157. 5 Ways Data Can Revolutionise Your Communication Strategy
In the ever-evolving landscape of public relations and corporate communication, data analytics has emerged as a game-changer. In this podcast, I share five ways data can transform your communication strategies, making them more effective and...