I Did A Runner Podcast
Anthony Idahosa & George Baror: Redefining The Future Of Running
Episode notes
Joining me on the podcast tomorrow are two members from one of the fastest growing Run clubs in the UK - Ant and George, introduced to me through my ambassadorship with Samsung and the Samsung Health App. 4 Friends came together with little to no background in running, they have created a movement that has gone on to inspire 1000s of people from around the world to join them, and working with the most recognised brands in this space.
Pana Run Club is about breaking barriers and giving opportunities to people when at a times, it feels like there is little.
In a time where the world is becoming more divided, they create connections, it’s not a run club dedicated or defined by a person's colour, but by the love for the community and sport they succeed and suffer from together.
In this episode we talked about turning lifes harships into energy for growth, to overcoming challenges like a lack of funding within society and shifting cultural norms.
This story is one of resilience and vision.
To find out more about Samsung Health: https://www.samsung.com/uk/apps/samsung-health/?cid=UK_PPC_1559134832_ID~GLB00061BW_CN~Health+HQ+AI+Generic_BS~mx_PR~mxmulti_SB~mocross_PH~on_KS~ba_MK~gb_OB~conv_FS~hobl_FF~-&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA3ZC6BhBaEiwAeqfvyv_tl-cQUHFhVU6iKaZXrHfik6ufJ4x7YqKbI1kEVp4_3D8dOpI7FRoCIzoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
And Pana Run Club: https://www.instagram.com/panarunclub/