Author In Your Classroom

Putting Characters in Unfamiliar Places, with Jacqueline Wilson

Putting Characters in Unfamiliar Places, with Jacqueline Wilson

Author In Your Classroom

Published: 9 September 2021 at 14:43 UTC

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Episode notes

Undoubtedly a legend in the world of children's writing, Dame Jacqueline Wilson shares some of the secrets of her extraordinary success with listeners - including the importance, sometimes, of NOT doing your research...

A resources pack, including teaching notes, planning sheets, working wall elements and more is available to support this episode at

This episode is divided into three sections, which can be listened to in one go, as a sequence spread over several days, or in isolation. If you only have time to listen to one, we recommend section 2, which includes Jacqueline reading an extract from The Primrose Railway Children.

Section 1 starts at 00:00 

Section 2 starts at 19:10 

Section 3 starts at 34:19.

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