Full Funnel Freedom

128. Sales Is More Science Than Art, with Will Fuentes

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Episode notes

Is sales an art, or a science? 

While selling has components of art, there are repeatable and measurable elements that can be worked on in a systematic, scientific basis. 

This week's guest is Will Fuentes. Will is the founder of the Maestro Group, which is a sales acceleration firm that focuses on teaching sales professionals the science of sales.

In this episode,  you'll learn:

  • scientifically proven methods to improve communication and trust-building.
  • How to perform experiments in sales, and measure their results.
  • How to overcome resistance from more experienced sellers.
  • How to craft language to remove the fear of the unknown and to create a sense of familiarity. 


AI is here.  Is your sales team ready?

Technology is changing the way buyers and sellers interact. Clear, concise communication is more important than ever and personalizing that communication will be the difference between winning and losing deals.

Download this guide to learn how to use technology as a weapon.

Not only the words and topics of conversations, but the nuance of how to tailor communications, both written and spoken to match the desires of the buyer.

This guide will discuss:

  • Using AI to Profile the buyer
  • Identify Behavioral Data
  • Target Buyers and Influencers

Get your free whitepaper at Fullfunnelfreedom.com/ai



The Science of Selling: Proven Strategies to Make Your Pitch, Influence Decisions, and Close the Deal - by David Hoffeld

Rob Henderson's Newsletter and Blog on Substack

Ed Latimore Stoic Street-smarts

The Maestro Group

Will Fuentes on LinkedIn