Full Funnel Freedom

081 Inspire, Empower and Appreciate Your Sellers with Radhika Shukla from Microsoft

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Radhika Shukla is the Enterprise Sales Director, US Manufacturing at Microsoft. She has an MBA from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business and has won multiple awards at Microsoft and IBM. She is also a former Mrs Michigan USA, Mrs India, and Top 5 Mrs North America 2020. Her passion lies in helping customers solve complex business challenges through innovative digital transformation solutions and engaging experiences.

In today's episode, we discuss how sales leaders can inspire, empower and appreciate their sellers. We cover the benefits of appreciating your sellers, why clarity is a sales leader's best friend, and the benefits of proactive pipeline development. 

What You'll Learn:

  • How to develop a passion for proactive pipeline development 

  • Ways to achieve long-term success in sales

  • The 5 selling rules every seller must follow

  • Why customer buy-in is so important in sales

  • Do awards and recognitions matter for sellers?

  • Why clarity is a sales leader's best friend

  • How to make your team members feel included and engaged

  • The current state of women in sales

Typically sales cycles can last anywhere from 9 to 18 months, meaning things don't happen overnight. So as a seller, you must constantly build your pipeline and look for new opportunities. You can only do that by listening in a way that you understand your customer's needs, become their trusted advisor, and provide thought leadership every step of the way.

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