Get Legally Speaking

One Punch Killers

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In a split second a person can become a killer or be killed. A One Punch Killer is when someone throws a single punch that results in a death, and often when the perpetrator does not intend to kill, but nevertheless, a single punch that has a devastating effect. But how is this dealt by our laws, when an unfortunate and unexpected criminal act is carried out, when the intention was not to kill and possibly the only intention was to have a good old-fashioned street brawl? Would the perpetrator be given any leniency in law? Controversy surrounds this topic; with questions being asked on ‘what is a fair price for someone to pay for causing a death, even though it was unintended?’. In some cases, it has been argued that long prison sentences should not be handed out due to an unfortunate event of death not being the intention by the accused, whilst campaigners demand tougher sentences. In this episode senior Barrister Simon Spence KC and Hatti Suvari will bring you interesting, insightful and jargon free conversation that you will hear nowhere else! As always in plain and simple English.