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Commercial Divorce. Parting With A Business Partner.

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Statistically, and unfortunately, 70% of business partnerships ultimately fail. That is a very big number that cannot be ignored if you are in a business partnership, or if you are considering going in to a partnership. There are various reasons why a business partnership could come to an end; sometimes these partnerships end voluntarily, and sometimes it is as a result of ongoing differences of opinion, or even a nasty fall-out. 
Parting with a business partner is literally a term that we call 'Commercial Divorce'.  In this informative and interesting episode, Hatti Suvari and senior Barrister Tim Sampson bring you key and important points for you to consider along with their top tips, when thinking about, or during the process of parting of ways with your business partner. This episode takes you from the top of how different business partnerships are structured; addressing those that may be 'pushed out', and what you need to  consider if you are heading for a commercial divorce, as always in plain and simple English.