Getting it right

Same vs fair – Why a one-size-fits-all approach is outdated

Published: 30 July 2023 at 22:00 UTC

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Episode notes

When it comes to inclusive procurement, treating every candidate the same isn’t always fair. Different people have different needs. So how can you adapt your processes so they’re fair?

Lisa Annese is the CEO of Diversity Council Australia. She unpacks what companies can do to tap into overlooked talent.

Unearth what practical frameworks you could incorporate in your hiring process to ensure you’ve got a fair approach.


Getting It Right is podcast by Jobsbank. It was produced by Deadset Studios and hosted by Rae Johnston.

Access DCA's “Inclusive Recruitment At Work” report in full here; and make sure you download your episode guide here For more practical resources on inclusive procurement and social procurement visit the Jobsbank Resource Centre. 


Host: Rae Johnston

Deadset Studios executive producers: Kellie Riordan, Ann Chesterman, Rachel Fountain

Deadset Studios producer: Luci McAfee

Sound Design: Scott Stronach

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the land on which this show was made.

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