How I Work

Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly on embracing interruptions, getting into flow, and what makes a great question

Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly on embracing interruptions, getting into flow, and what makes a great question

How I Work

Published: 18 November 2020 at 19:00 UTC

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Episode notes

My guest today is Kevin Kelly. Kevin is Senior Maverick at Wired magazine. He co-founded Wired in 1993, and served as its Executive Editor for its first seven years. His most recent book is The Inevitable, which is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. He co-founded the Hackers’ Conference and also the Quantified Self movement. He writes one of my favourite newsletters, Recomendo, hosts the Cool Tools podcast, and also founded the very popular Cool Tools website back in 2003, in which a new tool is reviewed every single day. We cover: Kevin’s approach to learning about new topics How Kevin approaches buying new tools and gadgets Kevin’s search hacks when trying to find something on Youtube Kevin’s views on why Youtube is under-appreciated The new habits Kevin is trying to build Why Kevin embraces interruptions Kevin’s trick for getting himself in flow How Kevin decides which requests to say yes to What Kevin lacks that makes him a great listener What makes a great question The best thing Kevin invested in after leaving Wired The number one thing Kevin looks for when recruiting new team members or collaborators The gadgets that bring Kevin the most joy Kevin's favourite apps Links to things Kevin mentioned: Minimalism Notebooks Tide Trac Seek Subscribe to Recomendo Cool tools podcast Cool tools website Vanishing Asia 68 bits of unsolicited advice Follow Kevin on Twitter  

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