How I Work
By Amantha Imber
Have you ever wondered if the worlds’ leading entrepreneurs, writers, musicians and business people construct their day differently to you? How I Work delves into the working days of some of the world’s most successful innovators. We discuss tactics, rituals and tricks they use to achieve so much more than the average person, despite having the same number of hours in the day.
Latest episode
Quick Win: kikki.K's Kristina Karlsson on the two habits that changed her life
Are you suffering from atypical burnout? Dr Aditi Nerurkar Reveals reveals how to recognise the signs
Quick Win: Tom Boyd's counterintuitive approach to making life-altering decisions
You're doing rituals all wrong! Harvard Prof Michael Norton exposes the truth
Quick Win: Lisa Leong's 10-day transformation
Adam Grant's advice for me on overcoming burnout - and how he made it through his own burnout experience
Quick Win: Dom Price reveals the work-life trick that changed everything
Quick Win: The science of a 5-minute workout, with CAROL CEO Ulrich Dempfle
Tiffiny Hall's Daily Rituals for Peak Performance
The Top 3 Cyber Threats Facing Small Businesses (and How to Prevent Them)