Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation

Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation - Ep 9

Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation - Ep 9

Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation

Published: 20 November 2020 at 14:03 UTC

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Episode notes

A heart as big as Phar Lap’s. Journalist Peter Luck’s ground breaking interview with Mary McCann in the late 1990’s includes horse vet Bill Nielsen’s confession to his daughter – “It’s not Phar Lap’s heart, it’s a draught horse’s!” Portions of Phar Lap’s heart pieces that were cut out and put in separate jars in 1932, are sent to a cutting edge lab in France for DNA testing. We take into account the entirety of all my findings, of all the evidence. Not long before his death Tommy Woodcock is diplomatic yet explicit and reveals what really happened to Phar Lap. ]]>