Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation

Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation - Ep 5

Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation - Ep 5

Killing Phar Lap: A Forensic Investigation

Published: 6 November 2020 at 13:32 UTC

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Episode notes

The Border Barons - Satan’s Playground - Hollywood movie stars and mafia mobsters mix it up at the famed Agua Caliente Race Club resort and casino.

Sore Heads - empty pockets – Dave Davis and his inside circle win a fortune on Phar Lap to the wrath of the mob’s race fixers, and quickly leave Mexico for the safety of the Menlo Park ranch, California
Back at the Menlo Park ranch, it is horse heaven, gangster heaven. But then .. everything went wrong ... “Did Ed Perry recruit Bill Nielsen into the death plan?
Horse vet Jay Hansen recalls his family’s time living at the Menlo Park ranch in 1932 when Phar Lap died.]]>