Liberating Histories

A Reawakening of Internationalist Feminism

Published: 7 March 2024 at 10:23 UTC

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Episode notes

The internationalism of the Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM) tends to be overlooked and underplayed. In our first episode, we bring together Sue O’Sullivan of Spare Rib (1972-1993) and Red Rag (1972-1980) and Shaila Shah of Outwrite (1982-1988) and WIRES (1975-1985) to discuss feminism’s ‘international turn’ in the early 1980s. With a focus on the feminist internationalist newspaper Outwrite and WLM’s magazine of record, Spare Rib, Sue and Shaila talk candidly about diversifying editorial collectives, plenty of mixed feelings, and burning the midnight oil to ‘get the mag out’. Finally, they reflect on the role of media activism during a time of real reconfiguration and change.
