The More Than Fitness Podcast With Matt McLeod

Jacob Trout — A Chat With My Old Fitness Coach On Short-Term Obsession, Body Insecurities, & Balance | MTFP Ep.109

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Episode notes

This was a fun episode for me because Jake was my online fitness coach for about two years back in 2014-2016. He helped me win my natural (drug-tested) bodybuilding pro card and was a huge help to me when I first started my online coaching business. Now, Jake is working a full 9-5 job while ramping up his fitness coaching business once again. He's also an IPE Pro Natural Bodybuilder (and a stand-up guy).

In this episode, we talk about:

-Reminiscing about when me and Jake worked together

-Jake's coaching background with The Strength Guys

-How I was as an online coaching client

-How fitness has stayed constant while other things change

-How fitness keeps us grounded

-How Jake is working a full-time job and doing online coaching on the side

-Relating to clients during fat loss phases

-"Stealth dieting"

-Male insecurities around body image

-Dealing with "letting yourself go" compared to your past self

-The evolution of motivators around working out

-Why you shouldn't ever make your own plans

-Staying motivated when working out from home

-Making better decisions with your nutrition

-How Jake and I eat on a regular basis

-The importance of short-term "obsession"

-How do we know who to listen to for fitness advice?

-Jake's alternate-reality career

-And much more!

Connect With Jake:

Instagram: @jacobtrout2

WATCH this episode on YouTube:


Connect With Matt:

[Free] 30-Day Ultimate Physique Development Manual:

Hire Matt For Coaching:

Instagram: @mattmcleod6



**PS: If you could rate and review the podcast, it would mean the world to me and it would help get the word out to others just like us so we can continue building this amazing, one-of-a-kind community.**


Produced by: David Margittai | In Post Media


Email: [email protected]

Social: @_margittai

© 2021 Matt McLeod