SBS Tetum

What were the Australian Wars and why is history not acknowledged? - Saida mak funu Australia no tanbasá mak istória funu ne'e la hetan rekoñesementu?

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The Frontier Wars is a term often used to describe the more than 100 years of violent conflicts between colonial settlers and the Indigenous peoples that occurred during the British settlement of Australia. Even though Australia honours its involvement in wars fought overseas, it is yet to acknowledge the struggle that made it the country it is today. - Funu Fronteira mak termu ida-ne'ebé dala barak uza hodi deskreve konflitu violentu entre povu koloniál no povu rai-na'in Australia sira ne'ebé akontese durante rezolusaun Britania-Australia durante tinan 100 liu ba. Maske Australia fó onra ba nia envolvimentu iha funu iha rai-li'ur, maibé sira seidauk rekoñese luta ne'ebé halo nasaun ne'e sai hanesan nasaun to'o ohin loron.