SBS Tetum
Notísia no istória independente husi SBS Audio, liga ita-boot sira ba informasaun moris iha Australia no komunidade Timor oan sira iha Australia.
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#76 Getting a gift (Med) - #76 Buka Prezente
Learn how to talk about getting a gift for someone. Plus, find out what the Secret Santa tradition is all about. - Komprende no ko'alia lian Inglés bele ajuda ita-nia moris iha Australia. Kada episode programa aprende Inglés , ami sei esplika kona-ba… -
Labarik mane ho mehi boot: Estrela Timor nian iha Disney
Atór filme ho idade tinan 10 hosi Timor-Leste hetan nia esperensia premeiru ho filmi iha Disney. Solomon Bravery Horta, ne'ebe hela iha Irlanda Norte, ho aman Helio Dos Reis Horta hosi Timor no Inan, Maria Siahaan Horta, hosi Indonesia, koalia kona-b… -
Country-led design in Australian cities: what is it and why does it matter? - Dezeñu ne'ebé lidera hosi ema nasaun premeiru iha sidade Austrália: saida deit no tanbasá ne'e importante?
Country is the term at the heart of Australian Indigenous heritage and continuing practices. The environments we are part of, carry history spanning tens of thousands of years of First Nations presence, culture, language, and connection to all living… -
Are Australian workplaces safe for migrant women? - Serbisu-fatin sira iha Austrália seguru ba feto migrante sira?
New research has highlighted the high rates of workplace sexual harassment and assault experienced by migrant women. Experts say there are many reasons why this type of abuse often goes unreported. - Peskiza foun hatudu katak númeru asediu seksuál no… -
Frente Tolu, Lian Ida: Istória husi Zequito Oliveira, Ativista frente armada, diplomatiku no klandestina
Istória ida-ne'e kona-ba Ezequiel "Zequito" Oliveira, Materestu husi 12 de Novembru no mos ativista husi tempu resistensua nia viajen úniku. Viajen ida ne'ebe hahú husi nia sei labarik hodi haketak-an husi ninia inan dadur iha Ataúro to'o sai figura … -
Lideransa foun kria abut metin: Planu Asosiasaun Timor-oan Sydney mantein kultura no suporta traballador sira
Timorese United Association (TUA) iha Sydney foin hili lideransa foun sira atu dirije grupu ne'e. Membru foun simu tomada de pose hahú iha loron 26 Outubru. Asosiasaun ne'e importante tebes ba ema Timor-oan sira ne'ebé hela iha Sydney. Lideransa foun… -
The impacts of First Nations tourism - Impaktu hosi turizmu Nasaun dahuluk sira nian
Are you seeking a truly impactful Australian travel experience? Whether you’re seeking wilderness, food, art or luxury, there are plenty of First Nations tourism adventure that you can explore, led by someone with 65,000 years of connection to this l… -
Joven sikilista nain rua lao haleu Australia hodi azuda hari'i eskola Iha Timor-Leste
Joven Australianu nain rua ho idade 18 no 19 anos halo viajen ho sira nia bisikleta haleu Australia durante kuaje tinan ida nia laran. Sira nia sakrifisu no jornada ida ne'e ho deit objetivu ida atu azuda hadia eskola ida iha Balibo. Joven nain rua n… -
Kultura suku: sírkulu kostura multikulturál Darwin fó kbiit ba feto sira
Iha fulan Agostu tinan ida ne'e, Darwin sai uma-na'in ba programa interkambiu kultural uniku ne'e hare ba abiliddade suku nian. Inisiativu ida ne;e mai husi organizasaun karidade, Empowering Community Growth, hodi halibur feto sira husi Timor, Aborij… -
Timor iha tinan 25 anos: Prezidente Horta ko’alia kona-ba progresu, pasaporte no ligasaun pesoál
Iha dia 6 de Outubro, SBS Tetum iha oportunidade hodi dada-lia ho Prezidente Timor-Leste, Sr. Jose Ramos-Horta iha fatin ne'ebe nia hela iha Sydney. Iha oportunidade ne'e ami koaloa kona-ba problema ne'ebe maluk Timor-oan traballadór sira hasoru, nun…