SBS Tetum
The impacts of First Nations tourism - Impaktu hosi turizmu Nasaun dahuluk sira nian
Episode notes
Are you seeking a truly impactful Australian travel experience? Whether you’re seeking wilderness, food, art or luxury, there are plenty of First Nations tourism adventure that you can explore, led by someone with 65,000 years of connection to this land. Not only will you deepen your experience, but you’ll help drive cultural and economic opportunities for First Nations communities. - Ita-boot buka hela esperiénsia viajen Australianu ida ne'ebé maka iha impaktu duni? Karik ita-boot buka hela rai-fuik, ai-han, arte ka luxu, iha aventura turizmu Nasaun dahuluk nian barak ne'ebé ita-boot bele esplora, lidera hosi ema ida ho ligasaun tinan 65,000 ho rai ida-ne'e. La'ós de'it ita-boot sei aprofunda ita-boot nia esperiénsia, maibé ita-boot sei ajuda lori oportunidade kulturál no ekonómiku sira ba komunidade sira Nasaun dahuluk nian.