SBS Tetum

How to lodge your tax return in Australia - Oinsá atu hatama ita-boot nia deklarasaun impostu iha Australia.

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In Australia, 30 June marks the end of the financial year and the start of tax time. Knowing your obligations and rebates you qualify for, helps avoid financial penalties and mistakes. Learn what to do if you received family support payments, worked from home, are lodging a tax return for the first time, or need free independent advice. - Iha Australia, dia 30 Juñu sai hanesan tinan finanseiru nia rohan no hahú tempu impostu nian. Tanba ne'e,hatene ita-boot nia obrigasaun sira no rebate sira ne'ebé ita-boot kualifika ba, sei ajuda evita penalidade no erru finanseiru sira. Buka hatene kona-ba saida maka atu halo se ita-boot simu pagamentu apoiu família nian, serisu husi uma, hatama deklarasaun impostu nian ba dala uluk, ka presiza konsellu independente gratuitu.