SBS Tetum

Understanding Australia’s legal system: laws, courts and accessing legal assistance - Komprende sistema legál Austrália nian: lei sira, tribunál sira no asesu ba asisténsia legál

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Are you familiar with Australia’s legal system? As a federation of six states and two territories, Australia has laws that apply nationally, as well as laws specific to each jurisdiction. Additionally, there are parallel structures of federal and state courts. Learn the basics of how the legal system works, from understanding Australian laws to accessing legal assistance. - Ita-boot hatene sistema legál Austrália nian? Hanesan federasaun ida hosi estadu neen no teritóriu rua, Austrália iha lei sira ne'ebé aplika nasionalmente, no mós lei sira ne'ebé espesífiku ba jurisdisaun ida-idak. Australia mos iha estrutura paralelu hosi tribunál federal no estadu nian. Importante tebes atu aprende báziku sira kona-ba oinsá sistema legál funsiona, komprende lei sira Austrália nian to'o asesu ba asisténsia legál.