SBS Tetum

What are the unwritten rules in the Australian workplace? - Regra saida deit mak la hakerek iha servisu fatin Austrália nian?

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In Australia, workplace codes of conduct differ from company to company, but some standard unwritten rules are generally followed in most businesses and industries. There are also a few unspoken rules in the Australian workplace that can evolve into a set of social norms. Here is how to navigate and familiarise yourself with these unwritten rules when starting a new job. - Iha Austrália, kódigu konduta iha servisu fatin la hanesan hosi empreza ida ba empreza seluk, maibé regra padraun balun ne'ebé la hakerek, jeralmente tuir maioria negósiu no indústria sira. Iha mós regra balun ne'ebé la fo sai iha servisu fatin Austrália nian ne'ebé bele evolui ba konjuntu norma sosiál sira. Tuir mai oinsá mak atu halo navegasaun no familiariza ita-nia an ho regra sira ne'ebé la hakerek bainhira hahú serbisu foun ida.