The Authentic Man Podcast with David Chambers

EP195: Stop Attracting Unavailable Partners & Healing Anxious Attachment

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Episode notes

Key Topics: Unhealthy Patterns, Nice Guy, Unavailable Partners, Anxious Attachment, People Pleasing, Low Self-Esteem


Sven Loss is a relationship expert and helps people break free from their good guy & good girl conditioning. Having struggled immensely with relationships himself and coming from a background of unhealthy relationships he set out to understand himself and the dynamics he was caught in. Today he helps people to change their way of relating to themselves and others in order to create healthy and fulfilling relationships. He has grown a substantial following on tiktok and instagram through his educational yet informative content on relationship dynamics and has already been able to impact thousands of peoples' lives.

Key topics include: 

⭐️ The Cost Of Suppressing Anger And Why We Need To Express It In A Healthy Way

⭐️ How Our Upbringing Shapes The Patterns We Have In Our Relationships

⭐️ Getting The Love That We Want By Changing Our Unhealthy Patterns 

⭐️ Why We Attract Unavailable Partners And How to Find Healthy Relationships

⭐️ Why Being The Nice Guy Makes You Dependent And Unfulfilled

⭐️ How We Unconsciously Lie And Manipulate Our Partners In Relationships

⭐️ Low Self-Esteem And How It Attracts Controlling And Abusive Partners 

⭐️ The Stories We Tell Ourselves And How They Shape Our Reality

⭐️ The Importance Of Addressing And Healing Our Childhood Wounds 

⭐️ How We Can Overcome Anxious Attachment In Relationships 


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For Coaching: [email protected] 



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