The Bunker List

Pilot 2: Shaz intervews Dave.

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Episode notes

Now the tables have turned and it is Dave's turn to be evacuated down the bunker.

Imagine that you have to be evacuated into an emergency bunker for an extended period of time, what would you take with you and why?

This bunker is well equipped. The bunker has off-grid water and electricity and is well stocked with food and water rations to last you 2 years. In addition, it has an aquaponic garden for fresh fish, fruit and vegetables. All medicine and toiletries are well-stocked. It has a gym to keep you physically fit, a large rumpus room to keep you entertained, and a battery-powered radio to listen out for emergency broadcasts. All immediate family members and pets will be joining you inside the bunker.

What we would like to know is: which 5 luxury items would you like to take with you, to keep you motivated and sane and why?

These luxury items can be of sentimental value or for practical purposes. What are the stories behind each item?

Making podcasts is thirsty work so why not shout Dave and Shaz a beer?