The Critically Conscious Coach

259: The Pressure Cooker Sales Script

259: The Pressure Cooker Sales Script

The Critically Conscious Coach

Published: 9 May 2022 at 06:30 UTC

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Episode notes

Sales scripts abound in the coaching, consulting, and service space. Problem is, with most of them, no matter how full of light and love you think you are, they’re manipulative. You ARE attached to the outcome because your scripts is centered around getting a “yes.” So let’s pick apart the pressure cooker sales script, shall we?

You will learn:

  • What's The Pressure Cooker Sales Script?
  • Using the Script will get you more yesses and even yesses you don't want

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🎧Episodes mentioned in this episode (You SHOULD listen to):

E 255: Being Critically Conscious In Business

The Coaching Program Investment Calculator

Sign up for the Why Workshop mini-course:

Mentioned in this episode:

Business Ethics Consultation

Have you been struggling to define your ethical responsibilities as a coach, consultant, or service provider? Maybe you’ve been wrestling with what’s ethical and what’s not as you make business decisions? Well, I can’t tell you what your ethics are. But I can help you create an environment to distill those answers for yourself. Using the Critically Conscious framework, during a 60-minute call we can either examine ethics for your business as a whole, or we can take one specific area and dive deeply into it.

Business Ethics Consultation

This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

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