Where Did It All Go Right?

S5E5 - Dr Waheed Arian - Doctor & WHO Expert

S5E5 - Dr Waheed Arian - Doctor & WHO Expert

Where Did It All Go Right?

Published: 29 June 2022 at 08:07 UTC

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Episode notes

Ali Jones is talking to our best-loved creatives about how they caught their breaks. This week Ali chats to a British doctor and radiologist, Dr Waheed Arian. Waheed was born in Afghanistan, lived as a refugee in Pakistan, and is the founder of telemedicine charity Arian Teleheal which links up local doctors in warzones with medical experts around the world.

Waheed tells Ali how his own tuberculosis diagnosis as a kid led him to becoming a doctor, why we should ignore the odds, and why he once couldn't believe people talk about washing their dogs.

This WDIAGR episode is sponsored by YunoJuno Freelance Marketplace.