ABF The Soldiers’ Charity Conversations
2: Maldwyn Jones and Stewart Harris
Episode notes
Lorraine Kelly introduces a conversation between Maldwyn Jones and Stewart Harris.
Maldwyn Jones served with 1st Battalion The Welsh Guards in Northern Ireland, Belize and Cyprus. In 1982, he was serving onboard the Sir Galahad – a ship which was bombed and set ablaze in the worst British setback of the Falklands conflict.
Stewart Harris was also with The Welsh Guards. Whilst on tour in Afghanistan in 2012, a roadside bomb hurled Stewart’s vehicle into a ditch, leaving him with brain damage, the impact of which left him partially sighted and partially deaf.
If you’d like to know more about ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, visit soldierscharity.org
Interview conducted by Dave Roberts and Katie Burns
Produced by Wisebuddah