ABF The Soldiers’ Charity Conversations

3: Andy Reid and John Cutting

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Episode notes

Lorraine Kelly introduces a conversation between Andy Reid and John Cutting.
In October 2009, whilst on patrol with 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment in Afghanistan, Corporal Andy Reid stood on an Improvised Explosive Device. As a result of the explosion, he lost his right leg below the knee, his left leg above the knee, and his right arm. 
John Cutting served in the Royal Engineers from 1970 to 1974, and was sent on back-to-back tours of Northern Ireland at the height of the Troubles. John has PTSD, which he puts down to his experiences during that time. 
If you’d like to know more about ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, visit soldierscharity.org
Interview conducted by Dave Roberts 
Produced by Wisebuddah