Brummie Mummies

By Laudable
Welcome to the award winning Brummie Mummies podcast, the show that shares inspiring stories from Birmingham mums and dads and is brimming with useful advice and suggestions.
Brummie Mummies has been a much-loved hub for parents in Birmingham since 2015, known for bringing families together both online and at sell-out social events.
This podcast is packed full of tips from real Birmingham parents as show host and Brummie Mummies founder Zoe Chamberlain chats to mums and dads of all backgrounds about how to juggle family life and all that comes with it.
Want to get in touch? Drop Zoe an email - or get in touch via the Brummie Mummies Facebook page -

Latest episode

How to raise happy, confident kids with Miranda de Freston

Brummie Mummies