Where Did It All Go Right?

S5E1 - Dan Gillespie Sells - Singer-Songwriter

S5E1 - Dan Gillespie Sells - Singer-Songwriter

Where Did It All Go Right?

Published: 31 May 2022 at 22:07 UTC

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Episode notes

Ali Jones is back talking to our best-loved creatives about how they caught their breaks. This week Ali chats to singer-songwriter Dan Gillespie Sells. Dan is best known as the frontman of The Feeling but is also the musical mind behind the BAFTA nominated Everybody's Talking About Jamie .


Dan talks to Ali about how far he's come from playing piano in his dad's living room, the importance of surrounding yourself with people who push you, and how The Feeling boys have remained his musical family in many guises.

This WDIAGR episode is sponsored by YunoJuno Freelance Marketplace.

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