Founders Uncut: Real Startup Stories

By Kindred Capital

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The show that interviews entrepreneurs, uncovering the moments of fear and doubt that even the most successful founders face. On Founders Uncut, you'll hear how they deal with these moments. If you're an early stage startup founder and the going is tough, listen in. You are not alone - being a founder is just hard! Host Maria Palma, General Partner at Kindred, an early stage venture capital fund, is here to shine a light on the parts of the startup scaling journey that often go untold and never make the headlines. You'll hear about: - How to hire a senior leadership team - How to successfully raise a venture capital funding round - How to motivate a team and operationalise company values - How to personally grow with your startup scaling journey so you can be the leader your company needs at every stage and stay sane in the process.
Find out more at KindredCapital.VC/FoundersUncut
This podcast was produced by Fascinate Productions

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Founders Uncut: Real Startup Stories